Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 164 - Easter

Today is Easter.

I started the morning with a blazing sunrise through the trees.

For brunch, we went to John's parents' house. While the girls were making us look for Easter eggs, I took some photos of plants around their house.


Silver maple tree seeds

Purple pansies

These green blooms had lots of tiny red insects on them, and for a bit, this fly.

This vine with purple flowers creeps up the light pole.

They have a huge bush beside their house. It's covered in red blooms that in various states of decay. John's mom said it's a camellia bush. It's definitely a different variety than ours.

For linner (lunch/dinner) and to celebrate my younger brother's b-day, we went to my parents' house.

This tiny purple butterfly was resting on the soil beside our car.

A healthy hibiscus plant is blooming on their back porch.

The sun was beating down on the back porch.

In the front yard, was a patch of clover.

This azalea still has healthy blooms.

The sun was so bright, that the leaves were a bright green.

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