Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 291

Since we didn't have power, I went to my parents' house to charge my computer, camera and cell phone. After they had finished charging, dad showed me the damage near the house.

This tree fell in between their house and a neighbor's. It fell over the drive way of the next neighbor. By the time that I saw it, someone had cut it up to unblock both driveways. There was a pile of trunk cuttings and a large root ball. There was so much debris, that I didn't want to risk falling on the acorns to get closer to the root ball.

There were acorns and berries scattered on the ground. This cluster of acorns was in a triangle.

In the evening, at our house, a red spider was making a large web on a lower window. However, my camera had a lot of trouble photographing it clearly, so the color of the spider and detail of the web showed nicely. Also, it was a quick moving spider. This is a photo of it resting after finishing the web.

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