Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 67

Today was cold. Late in the evening, rain started. I realized that I hadn't taken photos yet and had to remove the soft sweet kitten from my lap to venture out into the cold for the sake of photography. The kitten wasn't happy about this, but thankfully I've learned how to do this quickly, so she snuggled up again when I came inside.

Since it was so cold, the rain drops on the leaves (and anywhere else) were freezing in drop formation. This was really neat and was something I would have missed had I not been slacking off on taking photos during the day. Again, I played with the flash and macro settings of my camera to take these unexpected photos. The longer drops are the most frozen ones. However, they are delicate. I touched one and it unfroze in my hand. All the leaves were covered in thin sheets of ice. They reminded me of glass leaves.

Camellia bush
If you look closely, you can see bubbles captured in the ice on the leaf.

Camellia bush

Camellia bush

Rhododendron bush


  1. Love the frozen drops! Looks like you caught them in motion.

  2. I loved that look too, which is why I had to touch one to see if it was frozen or not.
