Monday, November 21, 2011

My Daily Nature Photos Calendar

I finished designing a calendar as presents for family. Here is a preview of the one I created. Sorry if the images are grainy, they are screen captures of the design. If you would like one, feel free to email me and we can arrange a sale through Paypal. The ones I order will have better quality images. They will be limited edition calendars...mostly because January is only a few weeks away. The calendars are $20 each + $6 shipping. I can only accept Paypal. I will order your calendar to be printed after you pay me and pay them via Paypal.

The photos used for each month were taken in the coordinating month of this year. In the case of November and December, in 2010. Since we traveled some this year, each page indicates where the photos were taken. If it just says Virginia, then the photos on that page are from different parts of Virginia. The whole point of the project was to show that weather and nature have a huge variance throughout the year than what most people think it does...hence why there are flowers in the cold months too.














Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 366

While walking back to the house one chilly morning, I noticed a reflection of trees combined with the frost on this car window.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 365

While I was pumping gas, I noticed these vibrantly colored crape myrtle trees in the near by parking lot. Since today is the last day of this project, there will be more photos than normal. Oddly, this set turned out a lot better than past sets. Maybe 365 days of practice helps...just maybe...or yes.

I've been tracking the moon cycle all month. It's sort of perfect that tonight it's a full moon.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 364

Today, we awoke to more fog. I took some photos while waiting for Alex's bus.

Later in the morning, I had to go pick something up, in the city. Traffic was sparse on the bridge, so I was able to take a photo of the fog on the river and around the train bridge. I'm a very careful driver and after this project, I can take a lot of photos while moving quickly. I didn't take a panoramic. I cropped it, so you didn't see the interior of my car, the road and a lot of foggy sky. Instead you see the pretty part.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 363

This morning, we awoke to a thick fog that diffused the background trees.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 362

Since our camellia bush was the reason I started this project, I wanted to include it in the last week of the project. These were taken at dusk.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 361

The sky is clear tonight, so the moon glowed brightly. This is not quite a full moon, but it's close.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 360

The varying colors of leaves on the trees are perfect for panoramic photos. In addition to that, my husband decided to stop on a road that went over the James River. There was low traffic and a side walk. I wanted to take another photo of the river, but from a different view.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 359

Since there is less than a week left of this project, I want to finish it by taking photos of some of my favorite natural things from the project. While outside a restaurant, our daughter noticed this tree had no leaves. After further inspection via a lens, I realized it was a dead pine tree. There were a sparse amount of dead pine needles left on these spiky branches.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 358

While I was photographing the white azaleas yesterday, I noticed the creek run off was full of leaves and reflected the trees nicely. Today, I went back and took photos of it.

This is the last stop motion film of this project. They have been great to make. I'll definitely make more in the future, but of other things.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 357

Though the weather is getting colder, there are still a few flowers alive.

This large azalea bush is by the entrance to our neighborhood.

I noticed this tree, though bare of most leaves, still had a few flowers blooming on it's limbs.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 356

The moon is half full. I took photos as the evening light dimmed.